Usually, everytime i facing exam i will always done something that i nvr ever/rarely done. Eg, im update this blog from out of the blue. Others like i practising piano for 2 hours insted of 1. I playing some no0b games like action man. More or less motivated, read more novels. Listen to a music which is not my liking. And sudden thinking about not to do and summore~
Suddenly im thinking again. About life and living, past and present.
"Is this really me??" that was my question when i doing such a things out of blue.
Awake but lost
i really took my time on my 1st paper just now, my mind was mixing between toughts but i managed to make it straight anyways.
Who am i? apart of myslef knew while other dont
Sometimes i dunno who am i or what i am
Sometimes i do know
Sometimes i dunno where i go or how i do
Sometimes i do know
gosh, talking crap
out of blues
whats my motive?