Hello everybody - I'm back
I was surprised that i have spammers on my dead blog (for a year untouched) Don't get me wrong but i felt that i don't have any purpose to write or update my blog all this time -
until i randomly spotted a group of community bloggers that they updates one picture of the day for the entire year. I was totally impressed by them and decided to follow their footsteps starting from now.
Rules are simple - just upload a photo representing today.
And i've decided to use this blog instead of making new one because its kinda wasted if i left what i already had. I am a junk collector too, so its just a shame i threw something once belonged to me away. And i know that my blog is
dirty with negative emotions and etc... But i do not ashamed of my past -
What is done is done. And my life does suck hahahahaha!!
Between the duration of the previous post and the latest post - i experienced a lot of things. Both bad and good. Fall in love, getting hurted and fall in love again. Make new friends, losing friends, meeting old friends. Success, failing, truths, lies, companions, trust, bonds, sacrifice, understanding, accepting, learning, surprising, eager, ambition, racism, discrimination, personal beliefs, people, etc... Too many to write but i can see that i have stories everyday.
I want to cherish my life from now on -
cherished more on my life. Moving forward. Everybody has sux lifes so on my point of view -
its useless to tell everybody else about how sux is ur life. Just embrace it and tell everybody about how good your life is. xD I want to be alive and see how was my life going - a diary but not too personal. And im wonder if i should express some of my feelings. And i wonder who will read this
I just finished my diploma and i have free time until next February - will starting my 1st true independence life in Australia and decided to enjoy my life after 3 years for nothing.
p/s: should i change everything on my blogspot?