While I was surfing in DeviantArt.com (mine! ButterLux.deviantart.com) i Found this girl(born in 1992) and i accidently went to her other page http://miychi.onigiri.nu/index.php
very bright, very orange, very green and very pretty!
i also have my own, pdsworks.roxer.com
but after i visit her page, envy came to me.... it said "you want to make something like this dont u?? so why wont U make something like this?? I think this hosting network is good(probably) and how about ur future??"
But should I??
Should I waste it(roxer)??
should I make a new one?? I was soooo dizzy right now =____________=
Now what??
by da way, i found other network hosting
i hope
I really adore+envy her (http://miychi.onigiri.nu/index.php)
i want to make something like hers
i want to make for my arts+fanarts+web design work+anything that related
help me