Since from the begining, i always fought it. It had been more 12 years. And since from the begining, i knew. I knew that i cant fight it forever. Thinking about it was really scary and hurting.
Everything happend in my live got its own reason. My reason for this; i want to have an adventure, travel around, risk taker, learning, gamble upon experience and so much more. I want to be myself, different and uniqe.
And of course, it broke a few rules in human lives.
I am happy to be strong and tough. I feel so alive live with it. I totally dont give a damn to the comunity. But i really do realise 1 thing, 1 day, i will not have the power to fight and drag by the river flow. The legends of me are no more.
I will turn into the comunity. Becoming the audience, hopeless, weak, trapped and normal. My colors are usualy bright and outstanding become dull and invisible.
Today was the day i turned into a comunity. Today is the day i became weak. Today is the day i not the sun anymore. Today is the day i lost my dreams. Today is the day i lost something precious. And i cried today. Hidden from the eyes of surroundings.
This can never turned back to the way i used to be. I wonder if i can hold the smallest piece of the sun. I am normal and nothing is speacial about me anymore.
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