Well yeah, its true~ no harm about it and it is very important, especially when u need ur parents bless to marry someone u love.
Here in malaysia (i dunno about other country) when we having Big exam such as UPSR, PMR, SPM, and STPM; our teachers always remind us to ask blessing from our parents. Me myself, was egoist and it was kinda hard to ask my parents bless. But it worked out anyway~
What i was trying to say here, i am a gamer. A female one. Im a girl who loves games, anime, manga, sports and arts. My parents always nagging me for being involve in it. Im sorry, it cant be helped. This is my life. This is my world. This is my hobby. This is my source. They also tried to keep me away and tried to find something that make me regreat for it. And it doesnt worked much.
But BELIEVED me, its a bad move.
Since i was a child until now, i knew my parents well enough. Wanna know my secret?? my Nds is now 2 years old insted of 1. I bought it on my 16th Birthday at 4pm, with my own pocket money. I bought it at Plaza Mas Alam sek 9, Shah Alam. I went there with my motorbike (without licence). I bought its cover and games, which are the total are RM700. I love u boss, for giving discount for me~
Only my 4-years-old-younger brother knew i bought Nds. I already decided to tell my parents after my SPM. And it was a though conversations to expose my Nds in this house.
My another secret was, I AM AN ARTIST. U guys may think that i playing games infront of my laptop, well THINK AGAIN. I had been drawing since 15 years old. I never intence to tell them because i really doupt in my parents. When i was 18, I was already decided to take Diploma in Graphic Design in the 1st place. "JUST DRAWING??" that was their answer for my questions when i was 15. So now my course is Diploma in MultiMedia. They allow me to take that course with unplessure heart.
I always been thinking, with my parents blessings, i can draw under sunshine everyday. I can show my artwork to them everytime i finished it. My head will get patted by my dad, and my mom will not blame me.
But since im the only girl, they wanted me to be a perfect flower like other daughters.
Yeap, damn sad.
They keep scolding me for playing games. They never bought any consoler or games for me. They never buy any tables for me. They keep judging me with other daughters. Their favourite phase was "Girls dont do this kind of things" or "Grow up will u??". My bros wish to have Ps2 were granted by my parents. They were really choose the perfect timing; when my college life started. And they went to the game shop without me, and i was like oh my fc*king god! how could they do this to me?? Me and my bros collect our own money to buy Ps2. AND MY MONEY WAS SPEND WITHOUT ME! AND I AM SOO FC*KED UP!! And again, their phase was "They are a boy" or "They still young"
Being hiding from what we love to do is really pain. But i was glad that i never told them. I can imagine that my live will be a disaster. Even my ambitions were never speak out loud. i dont have my parents bless on these. And so they always try to make me look wrong.
Even though, my mom asked other people to pray for me become more "daughter-ish". LIKE HELL LA!! I KNEW U ALWAYS REGREAT UPON ME!!! JUST FACE IT!! I AM ME!!
there is a lots of things happend. being the only girl is struggling. its more like a locked princess up upon the tower. there will be no happy ending.
I am so dissapointed with u guys. Why cant u accept what i am? I am darn fc*king angry when u guys always blame me for everything for not knowing anything. And u guys never approve what i like. And i have 1 simple queation for u, Do u have any idea what i wanted to be?